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Gather Strengths to Meet New Challenges Hengyuan to Go Steadier and Further in Business Development

Gather Strengths to Meet New Challenges Hengyuan to Go Steadier and Further in Business Development

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2018-02-01
  • Views:0

(Summary description)The conference was presided over by Xing Xia, Beijing office director. For the beginning of the 2017 annual summary and commendation conference, General Manager Zhou Changjin gave a general report, which summarized the business development in 2017, factory production and project implementation. Under the influence and challenge of the severe economic situation in the country, with all the hard work of the staff, the company has achieved certain

Gather Strengths to Meet New Challenges Hengyuan to Go Steadier and Further in Business Development

(Summary description)The conference was presided over by Xing Xia, Beijing office director. For the beginning of the 2017 annual summary and commendation conference, General Manager Zhou Changjin gave a general report, which summarized the business development in 2017, factory production and project implementation. Under the influence and challenge of the severe economic situation in the country, with all the hard work of the staff, the company has achieved certain

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  • Time of issue:2018-02-01
  • Views:0
Gather Strengths to Meet New Challenges
Hengyuan to Go Steadier and Further in Business Development
          ——Hengyuan group 2017 annual summary and commendation conference & 2018 annual working conference was held in a grand manner
On February 1, Hengyuan group 2017 annual summary and commendation conference & 2018 annual working conference was held in a grand manner in the conference room. More than 130 representatives of various departments of the company gathered together to review 2017, look into 2018, share results, exchange experiences and draw up the future blueprint.
Hengyuan to Go Steadier and Further in Business Development
The conference was presided over by Xing Xia, Beijing office director. For the beginning of the 2017 annual summary and commendation conference, General Manager Zhou Changjin gave a general report, which summarized the business development in 2017, factory production and project implementation. Under the influence and challenge of the severe economic situation in the country, with all the hard work of the staff, the company has achieved certain achievements in terms of service quality, safety management and project management and control. In the new year, it is necessary to continue to consolidate the existing markets, open up new markets, enhance the building of qualified personnel, diversify their development and constantly carry out reforms and innovations.
凝心聚力迎挑战 不忘使命攀高峰 携手推进“恒远之路”行稳致远  ——恒远集团2017年度总结表彰大会暨2018年工作会议隆重召开 2月1日,恒远集团2017年度年终总结表彰大会暨2018年工作会议在会议室隆重举行,公司各部门代表130余人欢聚一堂。回顾2017,展望2018,共同分享成果、交流经验,绘制未来。 本次大会由北京办事处主任邢侠主持。总结表彰大会开启后,总经理周昌进首先发表了总结报告,报告就2017年度业务开拓状况、工厂生产工作、项目执行情况三个方面进行了总结回顾。在全国经济形势依然严峻的影响和挑战下,在全体员工的勤奋努力下,公司在服务品质、安全管理、工程管控等方面都取得了一定的成绩。新的一年,要继续巩固已有市场、开辟新市场,增强人才建设,实现多元化发展,不断进行改革创新。  在表彰大会环节,由人力资源部部长王雪宣读了关于2017年度先进个人和先进集体的表彰决定,公司领导分别向获得“2017年度突出表现奖”、“2017年度敬业专注奖”、“2017年度恒远风范奖”等荣誉的员工和“2017年先进集体”颁发了荣誉证书和奖金,以此表扬先进、树立典型,进一步激励和促进全体员工工作再上新台阶。 会议第三项由公司部门代表发言及分管负责人进行总结报告,各位领导高屋建瓴地对各自分管部门的工作进行了点评并对新一年系统工作规划进行了阐述。 在会议最后,徐会龙董事长做《凝心聚力迎挑战 不忘使命攀高峰 携手推进“恒远之路”行稳致远》的重要讲话。 讲话中,徐董对2017年来的工作进行了系统的回顾与总结,肯定成绩的同时也指出了问题与不足,全面部署了2018年的工作奋斗目标和发展思路,并提出了恒远新的企业核心价值观:责任、创新、诚信、激情。徐董指出,今年是恒远从单一的施工队到集团业务遍及海外市场的第十五个年头。从人生的角度来看,它正处于风华正茂的青春时光;从自然的角度来看,它又好比八、九点钟的太阳。然而人生蓝图不会自动变为现实,时间也不喜欢说漂亮话,说一尺不如干一寸,唯有凝心聚力、攻坚克难,才能梦想成真! 2018年,需要全体员工尤其是各级管理干部都能以脚踏实地的精神、昂扬向上的精神状态和充足的工作干劲,紧紧围绕公司目标和任务,积极推进各项工作有效落实,全力抓紧抓好抓出成效,开创公司各项建设新局面,努力推动公司实现又好又快发展。 站在新的起点上,需要恒远人共同的力量,谋划恒远更加稳健地发展,让我们团结一致,拧成一股绳,劲往一处使,齐心协力,携手推进“恒远之路”行稳致远。
At the commendation conference session, Wang Xue, Head of Human Resources Department, declared the list of outstanding individuals and advanced departments in 2017. The leaders of the company respectively presented "2017 Outstanding Performance Award", "2017 Professional Dedication Award", and "Hengyuan Style Award", and "2017 Advanced Department Award" to winners and winning groups, with a certificate of honor and bonuses, in recognition of their outstanding performance, which is aimed to establish good examples to further encourage and promote the works of all employees to a new level.
凝心聚力迎挑战 不忘使命攀高峰 携手推进“恒远之路”行稳致远  ——恒远集团2017年度总结表彰大会暨2018年工作会议隆重召开 2月1日,恒远集团2017年度年终总结表彰大会暨2018年工作会议在会议室隆重举行,公司各部门代表130余人欢聚一堂。回顾2017,展望2018,共同分享成果、交流经验,绘制未来。 本次大会由北京办事处主任邢侠主持。总结表彰大会开启后,总经理周昌进首先发表了总结报告,报告就2017年度业务开拓状况、工厂生产工作、项目执行情况三个方面进行了总结回顾。在全国经济形势依然严峻的影响和挑战下,在全体员工的勤奋努力下,公司在服务品质、安全管理、工程管控等方面都取得了一定的成绩。新的一年,要继续巩固已有市场、开辟新市场,增强人才建设,实现多元化发展,不断进行改革创新。  在表彰大会环节,由人力资源部部长王雪宣读了关于2017年度先进个人和先进集体的表彰决定,公司领导分别向获得“2017年度突出表现奖”、“2017年度敬业专注奖”、“2017年度恒远风范奖”等荣誉的员工和“2017年先进集体”颁发了荣誉证书和奖金,以此表扬先进、树立典型,进一步激励和促进全体员工工作再上新台阶。 会议第三项由公司部门代表发言及分管负责人进行总结报告,各位领导高屋建瓴地对各自分管部门的工作进行了点评并对新一年系统工作规划进行了阐述。 在会议最后,徐会龙董事长做《凝心聚力迎挑战 不忘使命攀高峰 携手推进“恒远之路”行稳致远》的重要讲话。 讲话中,徐董对2017年来的工作进行了系统的回顾与总结,肯定成绩的同时也指出了问题与不足,全面部署了2018年的工作奋斗目标和发展思路,并提出了恒远新的企业核心价值观:责任、创新、诚信、激情。徐董指出,今年是恒远从单一的施工队到集团业务遍及海外市场的第十五个年头。从人生的角度来看,它正处于风华正茂的青春时光;从自然的角度来看,它又好比八、九点钟的太阳。然而人生蓝图不会自动变为现实,时间也不喜欢说漂亮话,说一尺不如干一寸,唯有凝心聚力、攻坚克难,才能梦想成真! 2018年,需要全体员工尤其是各级管理干部都能以脚踏实地的精神、昂扬向上的精神状态和充足的工作干劲,紧紧围绕公司目标和任务,积极推进各项工作有效落实,全力抓紧抓好抓出成效,开创公司各项建设新局面,努力推动公司实现又好又快发展。 站在新的起点上,需要恒远人共同的力量,谋划恒远更加稳健地发展,让我们团结一致,拧成一股绳,劲往一处使,齐心协力,携手推进“恒远之路”行稳致远。
The third conference item was for department representatives and senior executives to give speeches on their works in the past year. All senior leaders summarized and commented on works in their respective division in 2017, and made detailed plans for the coming new year.
At the end of the conference, Chairman Xu Huilong made the keynote speech of "Gather Strengths to Meet New Challenges; Hengyuan to Go Steadier and Further in Business Development”.
In his speech, Chairman Xu systematically reviewed and summarized his work since 2017. He also pointed out the problems and shortcomings while affirming the achievements. He fully deployed the objectives and development ideas for the work in 2018 and proposed new Core values of Hengyuan: responsibility, innovation, integrity and passion. He emphasized, “This year is the fifteenth year of Hengyuan developing from a single construction team into a leading company exploring overseas markets. From the perspective of a man’s lifespan, it is in its prime of youth. From a natural point of view, it is like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. However, the blueprint of life will not automatically become a reality, and time does not like to say pretty words. Doing is better than saying. Only if we join forces to overcome difficulties, can the dream come true!
In 2018, we need all staff, especially management cadres at all levels, to work hard with a down-to-earth spirit and high-spirited state of mind to work for the company's goals and tasks, actively promote the effective implementation of all the works, create a new situation in all aspects of the company, and strive to promote sound and rapid development of the company.
Standing on a new starting point, we need the joint forces of Hengyuan people to plan for a steadier development of Hengyuan. Let us unite as one and make efforts to work together to propel Hengyuan to go steadier and further in business development.

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