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HY Badminton Game Successfully Held

HY Badminton Game Successfully Held

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2018-04-28
  • Views:0

(Summary description)In order to revitalize the amateur cultural life of employees, and constantly inspire employees' bodybuilding consciousness, so everyone is able to actively participate in various tasks with a strong physique and inspiring spirit. On the morning of April 28th, the company held the “Meet with you and spend a happy time together” badminton competition for employees, 32 badminton enthusiasts from various departments of the company participated in the competition.

HY Badminton Game Successfully Held

(Summary description)In order to revitalize the amateur cultural life of employees, and constantly inspire employees' bodybuilding consciousness, so everyone is able to actively participate in various tasks with a strong physique and inspiring spirit. On the morning of April 28th, the company held the “Meet with you and spend a happy time together” badminton competition for employees, 32 badminton enthusiasts from various departments of the company participated in the competition.

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  • Time of issue:2018-04-28
  • Views:0
HY Badminton Game Successfully Held
In order to revitalize the amateur cultural life of employees, and constantly inspire employees' bodybuilding consciousness, so everyone is able to actively participate in various tasks with a strong physique and inspiring spirit. On the morning of April 28th, the company held the “Meet with you and spend a happy time together” badminton competition for employees, 32 badminton enthusiasts from various departments of the company participated in the competition.
The company's HR department arranged a factory bus to take all the contestants to the Gujia badminton stadium located in the north district. All contestants arrived at 8:30 and they began to warm up and prepared for the official competition starting at 9:00. Competitions included men's singles and women's singles, which are conducted in accordance with best of three sets. In order to successfully hold this competition, the company meticulously deployed, arranged and formulated detailed competition plans. The contestants took full enthusiasm and participated in the competition. They each exerted their abilities, demonstrated their capabilities and flexibly used various tactics: running, smashing, lobbing, etc., making the competition wonderful with continuous applause and cheering. The contestants took up the spirit of not being elated by success nor disturbed by failure and followed the principles of fair competition, friendship first, and competition second and made the competition stylish and high-levelled. After a half-day fierce competition, the minister of Audit Department: Deng Jianqiang and the vice minister of Quality Assurance Department: Yan Bing won the champion and runner-up of men’s group respectively, and the staff of Legal Department: Jiao Miaomiao and the staff of Audit Department: Xia Xiuxiu won the champion and runner-up of women’s group respectively.
This badminton competition has provided a positive and healthy platform for the company’s employees to exercise and enhance friendship. This not only enables the employees to exercise physically but also enhances communication. It also reflects the tenacious struggle, teamwork spirit and working hard spirit of the company’s employees.
‘羽’你相约 快乐时光——羽毛球比赛  为活跃员工的业余文化生活,不断激发员工的健身意识,使大家能够以强健的体魄、振奋的精神积极投身于各项工作中去,4月28日上午,公司举办了以“‘羽’你相约 快乐时光”为主题的职工羽毛球比赛,来自公司各部门的32名羽毛球运动爱好者参加了此次比赛。 上午8点半,公司人力资源部组织选手们乘坐厂车到达北区顾家羽毛球馆进行赛前热身,9点开始正式比赛。此次比赛共设男子单打女子单打两个比赛项目,按照三局两胜制规则进行。为成功举办好此次比赛,公司周密部署,精心安排,制定了详细的比赛方案和参赛办法。在比赛活动中,各参赛选手们以饱满的热情投入到比赛之中,纷纷各施所能,大展身手,灵活跑动、扣杀、吊球,各种战术灵活运用,令比赛精彩连连,场下掌声、喝彩声不断。参赛选手们发扬胜不骄、败不馁的精神,遵循公平竞争、友谊第一、比赛第二的原则,赛出了风格,赛出了水平。经过半天激烈的角逐,稽核部部长邓见强和质保部副部长严兵分别获得男子组冠亚军,法务部焦苗苗和稽核部夏秀秀分别获得女子组冠亚军。 通过举办此次羽毛球比赛,为公司员工锻炼身体,增进友谊搭建了一个积极、健康的平台,不仅使员工锻炼了身体,也增进交流沟通,体现了公司员工顽强拼搏和团队的合作精神,展现了大家拼搏向上的精神风貌。

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