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Scholarly Nourished Hengyuan, Vigorous Reading Atmosphere

Scholarly Nourished Hengyuan, Vigorous Reading Atmosphere

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2018-04-23
  • Views:0

(Summary description)From “the swallows which once graced the Wang and Hsien halls” to “heading east for Yangzhou among hazy vernal hues”, from “gazing beyond the Northern Tower in vain” to “now that my might rules all within the seas, I have returned to my old village”, there is always a poem or a lyric that can reminds you of the most beautiful memories and depicts the nostalgia in your deep heart.

Scholarly Nourished Hengyuan, Vigorous Reading Atmosphere

(Summary description)From “the swallows which once graced the Wang and Hsien halls” to “heading east for Yangzhou among hazy vernal hues”, from “gazing beyond the Northern Tower in vain” to “now that my might rules all within the seas, I have returned to my old village”, there is always a poem or a lyric that can reminds you of the most beautiful memories and depicts the nostalgia in your deep heart.

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  • Time of issue:2018-04-23
  • Views:0
Scholarly Nourished Hengyuan, Vigorous Reading Atmosphere
书香润泽恒远 阅读盛放四季  从“旧时王谢堂前燕”到“烟花三月下扬州”,从“满眼风光北固楼”到“威加海内兮归故乡”。总有一首诗、一阙词勾起你最美的回忆,刻画你最深的乡愁。 4月23日,江苏读书节启动活动在南京隆重举行,此次活动的主题为“共享阅读新时代”。省委常委、宣传部部长王燕文将带有书香江苏标志的“阅读之印”放入启动台当中,开启了第十四届江苏读书节的书香之旅。恒远集团作为“江苏省书香企业建设示范点”应邀参加了此次活动。 在启动活动上,来自全省各地的12位全民阅读“领读者”代表用自己的方式向大家分享、推荐了2018年度12本好书。恒远集团代表作为领读者之一,为广大阅读爱好者推荐了《人工智能:国家人工智能战略行动抓手》一书。在科技日新月异的今天,人工智能新时代正在加速向我们走来,恒远也积极做出战略调整,在抓好主营业务板块的同时,积极向高新技术产业转型,以适应新时代的市场需求,提高企业核心竞争力。 此次活动,再一次点燃了人们的阅读热情。读书始终是成本最低,收益知识最快的方式。企业若想与时俱进,更依靠人才的精进不休。作为书香企业建设示范点,恒远集团将进一步推广全员阅读活动,引导职工多读书、读好书,扎根基层,普惠恒远。  附:2018年度12本好书 1、《习近平的七年知青岁月》 作者/主编:中央党校采访实录编辑室  2、《中国道路能为世界贡献什么(修订版)》 作者/主编: 韩庆祥,黄相怀  3 、《国粹:人文传承书》 作者/主编:王充闾  4 、《四时之诗:蒙曼品最美唐诗》 作者/主编:蒙曼  5 、《人工智能:国家人工智能战略行动抓手》 作者/主编:腾讯研究院  6、《 数字经济 2.0:发现传统产业和新兴业态的新机遇 》 作者/主编:马文彦  7、《 阅读力:我们为什么要读书》 作者/主编: 聂震宁  8、《一个人的车站》 作者/主编:范小青  9、《 睡眠革命:如何让你的睡眠更高效》 作者/主编: 尼克·利特尔黑尔斯【英】  10、《 基因传:众生之源》 作者/主编: 悉达多·穆克吉【美】  11、《 因为爸爸》 作者/主编: 韩青辰  12 、《给孩子讲宇宙》 作者/主编: 李淼,王爽
From “the swallows which once graced the Wang and Hsien halls” to “heading east for Yangzhou among hazy vernal hues”, from “gazing beyond the Northern Tower in vain” to “now that my might rules all within the seas, I have returned to my old village”, there is always a poem or a lyric that can reminds you of the most beautiful memories and depicts the nostalgia in your deep heart.
On 23rd April, the launch activity of Jiangsu Reading Festival was held in Nanjing with the theme of “Sharing the New Era of Reading”. The member of Standing Committee of CPC Provincial Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department Wang Yanwen placed “the Stamp of Reading” with the logo of scholar Jiangsu into the launch platform, which initiated the tour of the 14th Jiangsu Reading Festival. As the “Jiangsu Scholar Enterprise Construction Demonstration Site”, Hengyuan Group was invited to participate in this event.
书香润泽恒远 阅读盛放四季  从“旧时王谢堂前燕”到“烟花三月下扬州”,从“满眼风光北固楼”到“威加海内兮归故乡”。总有一首诗、一阙词勾起你最美的回忆,刻画你最深的乡愁。 4月23日,江苏读书节启动活动在南京隆重举行,此次活动的主题为“共享阅读新时代”。省委常委、宣传部部长王燕文将带有书香江苏标志的“阅读之印”放入启动台当中,开启了第十四届江苏读书节的书香之旅。恒远集团作为“江苏省书香企业建设示范点”应邀参加了此次活动。 在启动活动上,来自全省各地的12位全民阅读“领读者”代表用自己的方式向大家分享、推荐了2018年度12本好书。恒远集团代表作为领读者之一,为广大阅读爱好者推荐了《人工智能:国家人工智能战略行动抓手》一书。在科技日新月异的今天,人工智能新时代正在加速向我们走来,恒远也积极做出战略调整,在抓好主营业务板块的同时,积极向高新技术产业转型,以适应新时代的市场需求,提高企业核心竞争力。 此次活动,再一次点燃了人们的阅读热情。读书始终是成本最低,收益知识最快的方式。企业若想与时俱进,更依靠人才的精进不休。作为书香企业建设示范点,恒远集团将进一步推广全员阅读活动,引导职工多读书、读好书,扎根基层,普惠恒远。  附:2018年度12本好书 1、《习近平的七年知青岁月》 作者/主编:中央党校采访实录编辑室  2、《中国道路能为世界贡献什么(修订版)》 作者/主编: 韩庆祥,黄相怀  3 、《国粹:人文传承书》 作者/主编:王充闾  4 、《四时之诗:蒙曼品最美唐诗》 作者/主编:蒙曼  5 、《人工智能:国家人工智能战略行动抓手》 作者/主编:腾讯研究院  6、《 数字经济 2.0:发现传统产业和新兴业态的新机遇 》 作者/主编:马文彦  7、《 阅读力:我们为什么要读书》 作者/主编: 聂震宁  8、《一个人的车站》 作者/主编:范小青  9、《 睡眠革命:如何让你的睡眠更高效》 作者/主编: 尼克·利特尔黑尔斯【英】  10、《 基因传:众生之源》 作者/主编: 悉达多·穆克吉【美】  11、《 因为爸爸》 作者/主编: 韩青辰  12 、《给孩子讲宇宙》 作者/主编: 李淼,王爽
In the launch activity, the 12 “excellent reader” representatives across the province shared and recommended 12 books for the year 2018 in their own ways. Served as one of the “excellent reader” representative, Hengyuan Group recommended Artificial Intelligence: the Strategic Key Point of National Artificial Intelligence to the reading enthusiasts. With the currently ever-changing science and technology, the artificial intelligence new era is accelerating to us. Hengyuan has also actively made strategic adjustment, which positively transforms to high-tech industry at the same time of exerted great attention on its primary business so as to adapt to the market demand of the new era and improve the core competiveness of the enterprise. 
The activity ignited people’s reading enthusiasm once again. Reading is always the fastest way to gain the knowledge with the lowest cost. If the enterprise desires to keep abreast of the times, it will rely more on the diligence and efforts of the talents. As the demonstration site of scholar enterprises, Hengyuan Group will further promote the reading activities among all employees, guide the employees to read more books which are based on the grass roots and will benefit Hengyuan. 
Attachment: 12 Good Books of Year 2018
1. Seven Educated Youth Years of Xi Jinping
Author/Editor in Chief: Interview Newsroom of Party School of the CPC
2. What Can the China’s Road Contribute to the World (Revision)
Author/Editor in Chief: Han Qingxiang, Huang Xianghuai
3. Quintessence: the Inheritance of Humanity
Author/Editor in Chief: Wang Chonglu
4. Poems of Four Seasons: the Most Beautiful Poems Appreciated by Meng Man 
Author/Editor in Chief: Meng Man
5. Artificial Intelligence: the Strategic Key Point of National Artificial Intelligence
Author/Editor in Chief: Tencent Research Institute
6. Digital Economy 2.0: Finding the New Opportunity of Traditional Industries and the Emerging Formats
Author/Editor in Chief: Ma Wenyan
7. Reading: Why Should We Read
Author/Editor in Chief: Nie Zhenning
8. A Station of One Person
Author/Editor in Chief: Fan Xiaoqing
9. Sleep: Redefine Your Rest, for Success in Work, Sport and Life
Author/Editor in Chief: Nick Littlehales [U.K.]
10. The Gene: An Intimate History 
Author/Editor in Chief: Siddhartha Mukherjee [USA]
11. Because of the Father
Author/Editor in Chief: Han Qingchen
12. Tell the Children about the Universe
Author/Editor in Chief: Li Miao, Wang Shuang

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