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Party members and advanced individuals visit the Garden Expo

Party members and advanced individuals visit the Garden Expo

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2018-10-16
  • Views:0

(Summary description)
Golden Autumn October, sweet-scented osmanthus scent all around the surroundings. In order to promote green life, feel the trend of the times, and enrich corporate culture, on October 13th, the company organized party members and advanced individuals in 2017 to visit the 10th Horticultural Exposition in Jiangsu Province. The theme of the Expo is “Green Prosperity”, which is held in Zaolin-Bay Ecological Park of Yizheng City in Yangzhou.

Party members and advanced individuals visit the Garden Expo

(Summary description)
Golden Autumn October, sweet-scented osmanthus scent all around the surroundings. In order to promote green life, feel the trend of the times, and enrich corporate culture, on October 13th, the company organized party members and advanced individuals in 2017 to visit the 10th Horticultural Exposition in Jiangsu Province. The theme of the Expo is “Green Prosperity”, which is held in Zaolin-Bay Ecological Park of Yizheng City in Yangzhou.

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  • Time of issue:2018-10-16
  • Views:0
Party members and advanced individuals visit the Garden Expo
党员先进参观园博会,感受生态宜居魅力城  金秋十月,丹桂飘香!为倡导绿色生活、感受时代潮流,丰富企业文化生活,10月13日公司组织党员及2017年先进个人参观江苏省第十届园艺博览会。此次园博会主题为“绿色盛世”,举办地点在扬州市仪征枣林湾生态园。 公司办公室提前准备、统筹安排,早上大家在公司集合。经过1小时的车程我们到达了目的地。放眼看去,云鹭湖畔,青山绿水、缤纷花、金色田园,万物生机勃勃。整个园博会是由主展馆、园冶园、民俗村三大主体建筑成熟绽现,13个城市展园全面落成。从空中俯瞰,3.2公里凌空花廊贯穿全园,6处辅助设施精彩点缀,起伏有致的低丘,温润娴静的湖岸和谐交织,一幅1800亩的大地美图呼之欲出。 伴着明媚的阳光,我们沿着道路,桥梁走进每一个展园。13座城市展园从代表性建筑、室内摆件到园外石刻、立体绿化、小品美化、庭院绿植都展示着各个城市的风貌。木制小桥曲通八角亭,凭栏观荷听潺,流水,白云交相辉映。微风拂面,桂花飘香,感受着自然的气息,让人心情舒畅,同时感叹园林设计师的巧夺天工。 公司组织党员代表以及上一年度先进个人一同结伴前往园博会,远离工业园区,进入鸟语花香、错落有致的园林景观。大家在享受优美自然风景的同时,也不忘融入其中,仿佛有拍不完的同框背景,彼此间增进了友情,营造了和谐融洽的集体气氛。傍晚时分,公司员工集体乘车回到公司,园博会欢乐之旅圆满收尾,虽然有些疲惫,心情却很舒畅。相信在以后的工作中,大家会议更加饱满的工作人情投入大自己的工作岗位中,为公司的蓬勃发展贡献自己的力量。
Golden Autumn October, sweet-scented osmanthus scent all around the surroundings. In order to promote green life, feel the trend of the times, and enrich corporate culture, on October 13th, the company organized party members and advanced individuals in 2017 to visit the 10th Horticultural Exposition in Jiangsu Province. The theme of the Expo is “Green Prosperity”, which is held in Zaolin-Bay Ecological Park of Yizheng City in Yangzhou.
The company office prepared in advance and coordinated the arrangement, and everyone gathered in the company in the morning. After an hour's drive we arrived at the destination. Beautiful Lake, green mountains and green waters, colorful flowers and golden pastoral, all things are vibrant. The entire expo consists of three main buildings: the main exhibition hall, the park and the folk village, and the 13 city exhibition parks are fully completed. Overlooking the sky, the 3.2-kilometer flower gallery runs through the whole park. Six auxiliary facilities, undulating low hills, the gentle lake and quiet shore are harmoniously intertwined, and an 1800-acre land map shows to all.
With the bright sunshine, we walked along the road and the bridge into each exhibition garden. The 13 city exhibition gardens showcase the style of each city from representative buildings, interior ornaments to stone carvings outside the park, three-dimensional greening, landscaping and garden greenery. The wooden bridge connects with the octagonal pavilion, and people trust in the railing, enjoy the lotus and the water. The white clouds complement each other. We enjoy the natural atmosphere, the breeze blowing, sweet-scented osmanthus scent all around the surroundings, which make people feel comfortable, and can’t wait to praise the garden designer's ingenious work.
The company organized party members and the advanced individuals of the previous year to go to the Garden Expo together, away from the industrial park, and entered the garden landscape with birds and flowers. While enjoying the beautiful natural scenery, everyone also did not forget to integrate into it. It seemed that there were endless fabulous photos, which enhanced mutual friendship and created a harmonious atmosphere. In the evening, the company's employees returned to the company collectively, and this trip of the Garden Expo was completed. Although it was a little tired, everyone felt happy inside. We believe that in the future work, everyone will try the best to contribute to the company's vigorous development.

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Address: Industrial Park, Dinghuo Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225234, China


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