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Celebrate Lantern Festival by Guessing Lantern Riddles— Lantern Riddle Activity on 2019

Celebrate Lantern Festival by Guessing Lantern Riddles— Lantern Riddle Activity on 2019

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2019-02-21
  • Views:0

(Summary description)The grand lantern show is performed on Lantern Festival,
Every one of us celebrates the festival with great joy;
Lanterns are full with the streets and alleyways;
All streets are decorated with red lanterns.

Celebrate Lantern Festival by Guessing Lantern Riddles— Lantern Riddle Activity on 2019

(Summary description)The grand lantern show is performed on Lantern Festival,
Every one of us celebrates the festival with great joy;
Lanterns are full with the streets and alleyways;
All streets are decorated with red lanterns.

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  • Time of issue:2019-02-21
  • Views:0
Celebrate Lantern Festival by Guessing Lantern Riddles— Lantern Riddle Activity on 2019 Lantern Festival held by Hengyuan Group
The grand lantern show is performed on Lantern Festival,
Every one of us celebrates the festival with great joy;
Lanterns are full with the streets and alleyways;
All streets are decorated with red lanterns.
上元猜灯谜 欢喜闹元宵——恒远集团举办2019年元宵节灯谜会 元宵节 闹花灯, 人们个个都欢腾, 大街小巷做花灯, 满街都是红灯笼。  猜灯谜又称打灯谜,是中国富有民族风格的一种传统民俗文娱活动形式,是从古代就开始流传的元宵节特色活动。今日正值元宵佳节,午餐之余,同仁们饶有兴趣地来到灯谜会,一品猜中灯谜瞬间的喜悦。在此不乏同仁间的欢声笑语、彼此出谋划策,在被告知谜底的一刻会心一笑,暗想原来如此。 是不是还有同仁意犹未尽?小编在此备有灯谜六则,供没能到场的你再来品味!  此外,社会主义核心价值观的十二词灯谜也出现在此次灯谜会上,是不是满满的正能量! 曲径虫鸣牡丹开——富强 岷山远游住人外——民主 一义贯成并日月——文明 百姓饭足言皆彩——和谐 眉下心头田出垄——自由 天上斗转且以待——平等 山聚眉峰思无邪——公正 大江东去润高台——法治 城西欲语淮阴侯——诚信 喜上羊羊取发钗——友善 独受易友玉关情——爱国 令公为尊畅饮怀——敬业  今晚是新年第一个月圆之夜,吃上一口润糯的汤圆,收拾好春节假期的愉快心情,奔向新一年的美好愿景!
“Guess the riddles” is also known as “play the riddles”, which is a traditional form of folkloric recreational activity with the ethnic style of China, and is one of featured activities of Lantern Festival that is popular from ancient China. On the occasion of Lantern Festival, the colleagues, who are eager to taste the joy of correctly guessing the riddles, take part in the lantern riddle activity with great interest in their lunchtime, during which some colleagues burst out laughing, some give suggestions to each other, and some are suddenly enlightened with the hearty laughter when knowing the answers. 
Are there any colleagues want to guess more riddles? I have prepared six riddles for those who are unable to attend the activity.
In addition, the lantern riddles of twelve words in socialist core values are also appeared on this lantern riddle activity. Is that a full manifestation of positive energy?
On the first full moon since the Spring Festival tonight, let’s have a taste of glutinous Tangyuan, keep in a pleasant mood and head to a promising year!
上元猜灯谜 欢喜闹元宵——恒远集团举办2019年元宵节灯谜会 元宵节 闹花灯, 人们个个都欢腾, 大街小巷做花灯, 满街都是红灯笼。  猜灯谜又称打灯谜,是中国富有民族风格的一种传统民俗文娱活动形式,是从古代就开始流传的元宵节特色活动。今日正值元宵佳节,午餐之余,同仁们饶有兴趣地来到灯谜会,一品猜中灯谜瞬间的喜悦。在此不乏同仁间的欢声笑语、彼此出谋划策,在被告知谜底的一刻会心一笑,暗想原来如此。 是不是还有同仁意犹未尽?小编在此备有灯谜六则,供没能到场的你再来品味!  此外,社会主义核心价值观的十二词灯谜也出现在此次灯谜会上,是不是满满的正能量! 曲径虫鸣牡丹开——富强 岷山远游住人外——民主 一义贯成并日月——文明 百姓饭足言皆彩——和谐 眉下心头田出垄——自由 天上斗转且以待——平等 山聚眉峰思无邪——公正 大江东去润高台——法治 城西欲语淮阴侯——诚信 喜上羊羊取发钗——友善 独受易友玉关情——爱国 令公为尊畅饮怀——敬业  今晚是新年第一个月圆之夜,吃上一口润糯的汤圆,收拾好春节假期的愉快心情,奔向新一年的美好愿景!

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