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Major Inspection on Safety Production

Major Inspection on Safety Production

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2019-04-03
  • Views:0

(Summary description)On the morning of April 3, Zhao Lei, Deputy Mayor of Jiangdu District, Tang Zhen, Deputy Director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, and Zhu Chengyong, Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and other superior leaders visited our company to conduct safety inspections. The leaders of company's production department and safety department accompanied the inspection. Deputy Mayor

Major Inspection on Safety Production

(Summary description)On the morning of April 3, Zhao Lei, Deputy Mayor of Jiangdu District, Tang Zhen, Deputy Director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, and Zhu Chengyong, Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and other superior leaders visited our company to conduct safety inspections. The leaders of company's production department and safety department accompanied the inspection. Deputy Mayor

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  • Time of issue:2019-04-03
  • Views:0
Major Inspection on Safety Production
安全生产大检查  4月3日上午江都区副区长赵磊,安监局副局长汤振,环保局局长朱成勇等上级领导来公司进行安全生产大检查,公司生产部、安全部等领导陪同检查。 赵区长一行先来到生产车间检查了安全生产规章制度、安全防护措施、消防设施等工作,并详细询问了员工持证上岗,员工安全培训、隐患排查、5S管理等情况,随后一行领导又来到了包装车间、油漆车间检查危废储存,运输等设施,赵区长强调我们要深刻吸取盐城市响水天嘉宜公司“3.21”特大爆炸事故教训,认真贯彻落实习近平总书记、李克强总理和省市区主要领导的指示批示精神,要切实把安全生产摆在极端重要的位置,时刻绷紧安全生产这根弦,严格落实各项责任。最后,赵区长对我公司的安全管理工作也给予了高度评价,并提出了指导性建议和意见。 此次大检查,不仅是对我公司安全生产各项工作的充分肯定,也为以后安全生产工作指明了方向。为了安全,我们警钟长鸣,让危险远离我们身边。
On the morning of April 3, Zhao Lei, Deputy Mayor of Jiangdu District, Tang Zhen, Deputy Director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, and Zhu Chengyong, Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and other superior leaders visited our company to conduct safety inspections. The leaders of company's production department and safety department accompanied the inspection. Deputy Mayor Mr. Zhao and his party first came to the production workshop to inspect the safety production rules and regulations, safety protection measures, fire protection facilities, etc., and inquired in detail about the employees’ holding certificates, safety training, hidden danger identification, 5S management, etc. Then a group of leaders came to the packaging workshop, the paint workshop to check the hazardous waste storage, transportation and other facilities. Deputy Mayor Mr. Zhao stressed that we must profoundly absorb the lessons from the "3.21" Catastrophic Accident of Tianjiayi Company in XiangShui County, Yancheng City, and conscientiously implement the spirit of the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and the main leaders of the provinces and municipalities, and put the safety production in the extremely important position, constantly tighten the string of safe production and strictly implement various responsibilities. Finally, Deputy Mayor Mr. Zhao gave high praise to the safety management of our company and put forward guiding suggestions and comments.
This major inspection is not only a full affirmation of the safety production work of our company, but also points out the direction for future safety production work. For the sake of safety, we should sound the alarm bells and keep danger away from us.

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