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HY Group Backbone Team Building Activity Held in Yangzhou Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park

HY Group Backbone Team Building Activity Held in Yangzhou Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2019-05-31
  • Views:0

(Summary description)Green is always emerged from our minds when it comes to spring, which not only symbolizes the vigorous vitality, but also represents the spirits of struggle and enterprise. On the occasion of this beautiful season, Human Resource Department organized the team building activity for the backbone employees of HY. At 08:00am May 31st, everyone put on the yellow T-shirt uniformly, and was ready to go to Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park to visit the historic sites, and, in the meantime, feel the breath of spring.

HY Group Backbone Team Building Activity Held in Yangzhou Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park

(Summary description)Green is always emerged from our minds when it comes to spring, which not only symbolizes the vigorous vitality, but also represents the spirits of struggle and enterprise. On the occasion of this beautiful season, Human Resource Department organized the team building activity for the backbone employees of HY. At 08:00am May 31st, everyone put on the yellow T-shirt uniformly, and was ready to go to Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park to visit the historic sites, and, in the meantime, feel the breath of spring.

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-31
  • Views:0
HY Group Backbone Team Building Activity Held in Yangzhou Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park
踏寻古城足迹,定格团队魅力——恒远集团骨干团建活动  一提起春天,便会想绿色,绿色象征着勃发的生命力,也象征的拼搏与进取。在这个美好的季节,人力资源部特别为公司的骨干员工组织了本次团建活动。5月31日上午08:00,大家早早的就穿上了整齐的黄T恤蓄势待发扬州宋夹城踏寻古迹,一同感受春天的气息。  来到宋夹城中心广场,大家通过抽签的方式分成两队。A、B两队分别从宋夹城的东门和西门进行慢跑活动,同时完成妙趣横生的拍照任务,如需要在夹竹桃树下拍下一张侧颜的照片,仰或抓拍下荷塘中成对的小鸭子,这可难倒了大家。 经过一段时间的慢跑,眼见着快到达终点,各组成员便又加快了速度,争取首先到达终点。团建活动结束后大家互相分享着在慢跑途中发生的有趣的事情,其乐融融。
Green is always emerged from our minds when it comes to spring, which not only symbolizes the vigorous vitality, but also represents the spirits of struggle and enterprise. On the occasion of this beautiful season, Human Resource Department organized the team building activity for the backbone employees of HY. At 08:00am May 31st, everyone put on the yellow T-shirt uniformly, and was ready to go to Songjiacheng Archaeological Site Park to visit the historic sites, and, in the meantime, feel the breath of spring.
踏寻古城足迹,定格团队魅力——恒远集团骨干团建活动  一提起春天,便会想绿色,绿色象征着勃发的生命力,也象征的拼搏与进取。在这个美好的季节,人力资源部特别为公司的骨干员工组织了本次团建活动。5月31日上午08:00,大家早早的就穿上了整齐的黄T恤蓄势待发扬州宋夹城踏寻古迹,一同感受春天的气息。  来到宋夹城中心广场,大家通过抽签的方式分成两队。A、B两队分别从宋夹城的东门和西门进行慢跑活动,同时完成妙趣横生的拍照任务,如需要在夹竹桃树下拍下一张侧颜的照片,仰或抓拍下荷塘中成对的小鸭子,这可难倒了大家。 经过一段时间的慢跑,眼见着快到达终点,各组成员便又加快了速度,争取首先到达终点。团建活动结束后大家互相分享着在慢跑途中发生的有趣的事情,其乐融融。
After arriving at the central square of Songjiacheng, everyone was divided into two teams by drawing lots. Team A and team B must jog from east and west gate of Songjiacheng respectively, and they must carry out photographing tasks simultaneously, for example, taking the picture of a profile face, shooting the picture of the ducks in pairs in the lotus pond, which greatly baffled everyone.
After a period of jogging, when two groups nearly reach the end, each group member speeded up again and strived to reach the finish line first. After the team building activity, everyone joyfully shared with each other the interesting things happened during the jogging.

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