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2019 Guandan Poker Game Held in HY Group

2019 Guandan Poker Game Held in HY Group

  • Categories:News Center
  • Time of issue:2019-12-25
  • Views:0

(Summary description)On December 25th, the annual Guandan porker game of Hengyuan Group began on the Christmas Day in the West. The game was full of charm and attracted large numbers of employees to apply, and soon 30 groups of employees have successfully singed up. All the participants were enthusiastic and motivated due to the elegant prizes prepared by the company.

2019 Guandan Poker Game Held in HY Group

(Summary description)On December 25th, the annual Guandan porker game of Hengyuan Group began on the Christmas Day in the West. The game was full of charm and attracted large numbers of employees to apply, and soon 30 groups of employees have successfully singed up. All the participants were enthusiastic and motivated due to the elegant prizes prepared by the company.

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  • Time of issue:2019-12-25
  • Views:0
2019 Guandan Poker Game Held in HY Group
On December 25th, the annual Guandan porker game of Hengyuan Group began on the Christmas Day in the West. The game was full of charm and attracted large numbers of employees to apply, and soon 30 groups of employees have successfully singed up. All the participants were enthusiastic and motivated due to the elegant prizes prepared by the company.
The players worked in pairs. The final scores were the sum of three rounds of game (45 min / round). The prizes were the first, second and third place, as well as the lucky awards for the 6th, 16th and 26th place. The players sometimes meditated and seemed to be experts on the site, and the cards in their hands became their "weapons". There were fierce competitions with shuffle, cutting the deck and playing, and the room was surrounded by cheering and lament. Some players were joyful, some were careful while others were peaceful in the competition.
After three rounds of competition, the King finally showed up. Li Hui and Yan Yan, as the defending champions in the past became the champions with a total score of 276 points. Executive Vice President Wang Xue presented awards and took photos with the winners.
蛋诞狂欢节,组团来掼蛋 12月25日,在西方圣诞节这天,恒远集团一年一度的掼蛋比赛开始了。蛋诞狂欢节,组团来掼蛋。小小的掼蛋游戏魅力十足,掼蛋比赛报名踊跃,一会儿就有30组员工组团报名成功。公司准备了精美奖品,让参赛者们热情高涨,斗志昂扬。 比赛采用分组对抗式,以三轮比赛(45分钟/轮)积分之和为总得分决出第一、二、三名以及第6、16、26名抽出圣诞幸运奖。比赛现场,各组选手纷纷亮出“看家本领”。只见选手们时而低头沉思,时而仰头冥想,手中的牌成了他们出奇制胜的“武器”。洗牌、切牌、出牌,激烈比拼,赛场上不时有选手发出胜利的欢呼和策略失算的遗憾之声。在比赛中,选手们表情各异,有突降好牌的喜笑颜开,有眉间紧锁的深谋远略,有深思熟虑的不苟言笑。 经过三轮的比赛,选手们一路冲锋陷阵,掼蛋王在万众期待中终于浮出水面,李慧和颜艳作为往届的卫冕冠军组合,一路走来,披荆斩棘,以总分276分的超强实力加冕“掼”军,成为当之无愧的“掼神”。行政副总王雪为获奖选手颁奖并合影。 本次活动的开展,深受员工的欢迎。增进了员工间的互相了解和友谊,体现了人文关怀,让每位员工切实感受到公司大家庭的温暖;在给员工娱乐减压的过程中进一步增强了公司的凝聚力和团队合作精神。
This game was popular and enhanced the mutual understanding and friendship among employees and each employee felt the warmth from the company. It also strengthened the collective cohesion in the process of entertainment. 

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